We davened friday night in an adorable shteible with lots of turbaned women and closed-eyed swaying and singing. Good points:
Men and women davened side-by-side with a mechitza in the middle.The chazzan davened from in front of the mechitza so both men and women could see him and the shule had a female president. Psht Psht.
We cooked the following dishes:
- Pasta bake
- Thai-Vegan-Shmidt salad
- Roast potato, sweet potato and eggplant
- Israeli salad (of course)
- Sushi Salad (yup it's famous)
We had over a South African girl, two Australians, an American (a New Yorker no less!) and two non-Jewish-Lutherans-about-to-be-pastors from Germany.
Yeh, the Germans I picked up from Ulpan. They couldn't find the house so they climbed up a tree like ninjas to find us. Hilarious. Also we got them to bring beer but disappointingly they only brought Goldstar. Seriously. Having the Germans over was nice, they were interesting and funny. But "don't mention the war!" felt like the elephant in the room.
Dinner went super late so we woke up too late for regular Israeli Shacharit. But honestly 7.30am on a Shabbat morning nobody should be awake. So we went to a 9am Chabad shule where amusingly there was an Australian boy's aufruf/call-up. Longest Shacharit EVER! Kedusha took like 15 minutes, I wish I was joking about it. We left after 2.5 hours and they hadn't even done Haftorah yet. Apart from the long service and overly thick mechitza, I felt abit guilty for davening with idolators.
After lunch we went around the corner to a friend's for dessert. Peach Cobbler, yum yum. There I met a boy from Chovevei in Riverdale, the yeshiva that almost gave smicha to the first orthodox female rabbi. Needless to say I chewed off his ear (not literally - we'd just met!) discussing liberal modern orthodoxy. Just lovely.
Post-nap I went to an Australian girl's apartment in Nachlaot for Seuda Shlishit. There were lots of people there and food and singing. It was delightful. But sadly there were also a lot of older singles there. Gosh they make me nervous. There's such a hunger in their eyes. They look like they are starving.
This week I will go vote and go to the Beer festival. Sounds like a shavua tov to me!
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