Monday, March 5, 2012

3rd World Travel Kit

Don't worry, my thinky posts on inter-cultural dating and Judaism in the 3rd world are on their way.

But in the mean time here's something that's actually useful.

My 3rd World Travel Kit List.

  • 1ltr hand sanitizer (there will be times that you will wat to wash your whole body with alcohol)
  • Cotton sleeping bag liner (it will be too hot for a full sleeping bag)
  • Pack of cards
  • Swiss army knife
  • Washing line (one of those strechy ones from the travel section of a chemist)
  • Carry toilet paper with you (at all times, even to bed).
  • 2 pairs pants - that have pockets and can be shortened to shorts
  • 4 tops (one long sleeved) cotton/loose
  • 1 cardigan/light jumper
  • Headscarf (for covering your hair so it doesn't becoming frizzy/knotty from the wind/humidity and dirty from the dust, b/c washing your hair when there's no running water is a serious mission)
  • Oversized sunglasses (protection from sun and dust)
  • Hiking boots/walking shoes
  • Thongs
  • Mini quick dry towel
  • Mosquito net/repellant
  • Malaria tablets/treatment
  • Anti-histamines (b/c the developing world is pretty much one giant allergen)
  • Anti-itch cream (b/c no matter how hard you try you will be bitten by mosquitos)
  • Betadine/antiseptic (resist the temptation to use these as soap)
  • Muesli bars
  • Packet soups
  • Multi-vitamins (b/c by the end you will be super malnourished)
  • Metamucil (fiber can be super hard to come across)
  • Bifidophilus tablets (to keep your gut healthy)
  • Gastro kit
  • Kickass loofah (resist the temptation to scrub off all your super filthy skin)
  • 1 weeks worth of underwear
  • Ipod with lectures/stories
  • Kindle if you are going to be there for more than 2 weeks (illiterate people tend to not be so keen on libraries/book stores so if you're a fast reader your gonna find it tough to find enough books to satiate your appetite)
  • Torch (vital due to lack of electricity)
  • Cutlery/shallow bowl/cup for hot drinks
  • Mouthwash/floss (sounds unnecessary but you really appreciate hygiene products in the 3rd world)
  • Plastic applicator tampons
  • Canvas shopping bag (always handy)
  • Handkerchief (for mopping up the fountain of sweat from your forehead)
  • Moneybelt
  • Small day bag that can't be slashed with a knife, that has zips and many pockets and can carry a water bottle.
  • water bottle, preferably metal with a clip.
  • A backpackers' backpack, approx 70 liters (suitcases, particularly ones with wheels are useless if there's no roads)
  • A sense of humour and adventure
Happy travels!