So I've been copping alotta flack for voting for the Greens for both the House of Reps and the Senate in the recent Australian Election. Therefore to explain myself I have this blog. How convenient for me.
Normally I would have voted Labor. This is because I don't believe that capitalism can self-regulate and that we need a government to help distribute wealth and opportunity.
Why do I believe this?
Well, whatever wealth I have is mainly due to circumstances beyond my control. For example my upbringing and education and even location. I chose none of these. My genetic makeup, I also had no say in. Basically I've been super lucky.
But these opportunities do not come without strings attached. I feel like I need to 'pay it forward' as it were. Because otherwise the rich are just going to get richer without any option for the poor to get their share. Additionally, if I did nothing to acquire these riches then I really have no right to them over any other person. Hence the sharing them around thing.
So I want a government that will put alot of money into public healthcare and education. This is normally what the Labor party should do.
Sadly, this year the Labor party decided that they want to stop refugees from coming to Australia. Now I don't really have an issue with processing refugees and checking their background. However, if you plan to send asylum seekers to various different pacific islands to avoid having to deal with the issue yourself you are going to lose my vote.
And that's exactly what happened with me and the Labor party.
The real nail in the coffin was when Labor decided that it was ok to send Afghanis back to Afghanistan. Loh Sababa.
Just like I want all Australians to have access to healthcare and education because that shouldn't be based on the luck of the draw so too with living in Australia. Lucky for me I was born in Oz. Sux to be born in Afghanistan. But I don't deserve this life anymore than them and accordingly I'd like to let in as many refugees as possible. Take that Pauline Hanson.
Obz there were other factors that induced me to vote for the Greens, but I'd have to say that refugees were the deciding factor.
In other news:
1) I saw a lady feeding like 30 cats this morning. When I'm Prime Minister my first action will be to ban this practice.
2) The French boy in my ulpan class wears his tops so unbuttoned that frequently his nipples fall out. Distracting.
3) Another date tonight. But likely to be the last one with this boy.
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