Perhaps I should invite him round for Christmukka and we can save troubled youths while living in giant mansions together happily for the rest of our lives. Or until Marissa dies b/c then everything goes downhill.
But it raises interesting questions about Sandy Cohen.
1. WTF were the writers thinking naming a man Sandy. Poofs.
2. Was the attractive thing about Sandy his looks or his age?
Well conveniently having his doppelganger in my class I can answer this question.
Sandy (and his younger ulpan attending self) are undeniably good looking. But the most attractive thing about him was definitely more to do with maybe his age and significantly that he likes to help troubled youths.
So what's the deal with older men?
Most likely it may be a genetic and cultural anomaly from back when women couldn't support or protect themselves and therefore older men, with their wealth and stability, were good providers and husbands n shite like that.
So why do I, a liberated and independent woman, (though undeniably adorable and domesticated) still like older men?
Probably for those exact reasons, b/c even though I don't want to be stuck back in the 1950s I've still been socialised to find experience and stability attractive in men.
Well done western society, you sure did a swell job at brainwashing!
Now that's clarified, you can all return to facebook.
I have a feeling that they initially intended to cast a blond man to play Sandy. The show was set in California, after all.
douchesque middle aged cashed up jewish men tend to have girly names: romy... and so forth.
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