Monday, August 2, 2010

Festival de la Shuk

Tonight there was a "shuk tarbut" or culture market at the machaneh yehuda market around the corner from my apartment.

It was officially called "balabusta" and it was exceptional.

There was salsa dancing, capoeira, break dancing, afro-reggae, modern klezmer electronica, various arts and crafts and many different jerusalemites out in force.

While there, I was approached by Jews for Jesus. Unfortunate but true.

Tomorrow is my first day of summer ulpan at Hebrew U. I'm in level Dalet, it goes from 8.30am to 1.30pm Sunday to Thursday for the next 6 weeks.

Two last things
1. tomorrow I'm also going to the Jerusalem wine festival
2. I may have a date in the near future, I'll keep y'all posted.

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