Friday, August 20, 2010


I made a near-fatal mistake. I told somebody about my blog and now I want to blog about them. I have a hilarious story about a person and I can't share it . It's becoming increasingly frustrating and blocking my otherwise hilarious writing ability.

So to comfort myself from the depths of regret I will let ya'll know what my street has the yours probably doesn't.

- 4 shules, only one with a womens section.

- it has a plastic bottles recycling bin, a paper recycling bin and a public gniza.

- it has a well or a mikvah every 100 meters

- the record store nearby has been playing sefardi slichot non-stop for the past week

- a makolet (milkbar) that takes siesta from 1-3pm everyday.

and now what my street doesn't have:

- footpaths (sidewalks for those of u in the US)

- trees

- manners

sabbatical salutations to each and everyone of you (except the person who i want to blog about... u deserve to be woken up many times during your shabbat shluf)

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