It doesn't take a Gender and Sexuality major to work out what's going on here. People are googling Jewish Lesbians and are getting directed to my blog. Must be very disappointing for them. nevertheless I'm going to exploit this discovery to elicit more followers via google. Hence the Lesbians in my title. Who know's maybe they'll give up their search for girl on girl action and chose to read about modern orthodoxy and mormons instead? Likely I say. Very Likely.
In other news on Tuesday night I went to the messibat siyum for my beit midrash for massechet chagiga. Fun times. I gave my shiur on korbanot in the future in the holy language (no, not yiddish). It went well I'd say, particularly since none of the scary PhDs or Rabbis came, only my comrades who are not too intimidating. Other than the event was very impressive. We saw a short film starring one of the rabbis about the relationship between Elisha ben Abuya and R'Meir. It's a terrible film - but adorable nonetheless. We saw somebody do an interpretive dance of the massechet. I kid you not. It would have been more impressive had his fly not been open. Awkies. One of the students is a composer and she composed an incredible classic music piece to the massechet. It was very possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever heard - the arguments and questions and stories of the gemara being played out on a piano. All in all - it was wonderful and happy and fun.
Yesterday was Yom Yerushalayim. I went to Tel Aviv. Now you may think this was a political statement and it was a little bit. But mainly I simply don't have Sundays and Fridays are spent cooking n cleaning so when I had a real day off I didn't want to spend it in Jlem. I wanted the beach. And so the beach I got. We went to the beach by Yafo and then to the old train stationfor a wander. Only to discover that Yom Yerushalayim is the day that arsim and frechot get married. It was teeming with overweight, drag queen make-uped, fake tanned, glittery dressed brides having their photos taken. It was both entertaining and nauseating. Then it was off to Dizingoff for the best shwarma in the land. It's right below the fountain. They only bake the laffa once you order and the meat (yes - I ate meat, but it was worth it) is not from a stick, instead its grilled in front of you once you order. And it's only 25 shek (though this time last year it was only 22 shek). Also the shwarma man is nice n friendly n not all sleazy/rude. Basically it's strongly recommended.
This shabz I'm having past sherut girls over and we're having a picnic in the park with my university friends. Yayness!
With that, sabbatical salutations O loyal followers.
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