So I went to Jericho this week. It was exceeding dull. But I'll tell ya'll about it anyways.
Apaz its the oldest city in the world, like 10,000 years old.
There's a lot of ruins in it and archeological stuff. But it turns out that archeology is the most boring thing ever. Rocks and pits and clay bits. Snore.
Apart from that not much is happening in Jericho. There's a casino that a lot of Israelis frequented before the intifada. So now that source of income for the city is gone b/c it's area A (Google the Oslo accords for more details). There's only like 20,000 people who live there anyways. Which is a very small city indeed. It take about half an hour to walk from the city center to the outskirts.
There seemed to be a lot of construction but at the same time a bajillion closed stores and people just loitering around the streets. There were a lot of Africans there. They looked Sudanese or Eritrean. but I'm not sure how that would have happened...
In any case, not a recommended expedition.
With that, happy Sylvester and shavua tov.
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