I watch women.
I watch to see what they are wearing.
You see, adoring public, as a skirt/sleeve/neckline wearer of the orthodox female variety every piece of clothing has to be evaluated from both a fashion and a tsniut perspective.
As such, I'm consistently checking out the other girls at university to see if I could wear what they are wearing or what additional items are required to hide my nakedness.
In Israel if I find a girl whose entire outfit I could wear, it normally means that she's also religious.
In Australia however, I extracted much joy from discovering random Asians, Indians, Africans who seem to have gotten their outfits straight from halichos bas yisroel (it's where I get all my fashion trips from). Granted, the frequency of these sightings decreases as summer approaches.
Case in note random adorable Asian girl in the top left hand corner from http://facehunter.blogspot.com/
I could wear this outfit very easily, it even includes stockings, flat shoes and to-the-elbow sleeves! How the bearded and hatted would approve! Not to mention that she looks like she's just my size! Ahhhhh she's the frum Asian me!
As a final note on this topic to young single kippa wearers. I strongly recommended that you appreciate the skill required to hide those knees but still look like a normal human being. You might want to consider compliments as a way of positive reinforcement.
Thanx boys.
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