I now tell people off. People I don't know. In the middle of the street.
And. I. LOVE. It.
It all started on my first day here. I had to go to the bank. It was the middle of summer, I was jetlagged and there was only one cashier working. So I waited in line. And I waited and I waited. Then finally I was first in line. Suddenly another cashier opened! So I stepped forward to be served only to be overtaken by a haredi guy from the back of the line!
I was so hot and tired and grumpy that I laid straight into him! I told him that it was unfair what he was doing. That I was next in line. I've been waiting here patiently.That as a religious man he should know better. That immediately after tisha b'av he should behave better. That by doing this he's contributing to sinat chinam (baseless hatred). And that by contributing to sinat chinam he's perpetuating the destruction of the temple and delaying the coming of moshiach.
Damn straight I showed him.
But I still had to wait till he was done before I was served since he doesn't speak to women or listen to them when they yell at him in public places.
Since that first taste I've been hooked.
I yell at Arabs who whistle at me on the street. I tell them not to be like animals but to behave with self respect and treat themselves and other people with the respect they deserve.
I yell at teenage boys who ask me if I can get them cigarettes or beer telling them that its not good for them, that they should look after themselves and that it's illegal.
I even yelled at a boy on my bus who consistently wears sexually explicit and misogynistic t-shirts telling him that there are children on public transport and that those t-shirts are not appropriate for outside of the house.
In short I yell at anyone, any where, any time.
So if you need somebody to be chastised... you know who to call.
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