Secular girls love religious boys. Despite my many many many blog posts complaining about how they r mummies boys, they are closed minded and judgmental dem secular girls just can't resist.
All they want is they want is a boy who is essentially already their father.
Responsible. Reliable.
Concerned about the future. Couldn't possibly cheat on you. Bullied and fussed about by a middle aged woman.
I get that it's nice to see a boy who cares about things. He prays. He has self control. He obviously wants a family and won't be pressuring you into sex any time soon. Heck, he blushes just thinking of holding your hand.
I get it secular girls. But you are wrong.
Dem religious boys are nothing but trouble.
Trouble in a polo shirt, kippa and double knotted laces.
But for those of you who enjoy swooning please see http://gabydunn.com/post/2083903661/jewz
(obvz my fave in ginger jew)
And for an oldie but a goodie feel free to return to http://breakthedrought.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/religious-boys/
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