And therefore I bailed on a lot of Simchat Torah.
But don't go feeling sorry for me b/c of all the chaggim we've had these past few weeks Simchat Torah was my favorite. Here's what I did.
I had people over on Wednesday night. The food (if I do say so myself) was amazing.
- apple and fennel salad
- thai salad
- sushi salad (as always)
- Vietnamese rice rolls
- lasagna
- mushroom quiche
- pomegranate quinoa
- assorted roast veggies
and for dessert peanut butter and chocolate slice.
The guests were wonderful and amusing and they got on surprisingly well with each other. I didn't get to bed till 3am b/c we were chatting so much.
The next day we walked to Shira Chadasha on Emek Refaim which is a very long walk (40 mins) but it was wonderful to get out of Nachlaot and see the rest of Jlem, particularly the wealthier suburbs of Rechavia and Katamon.
After that we took the leftovers and went to Gan Sacher for a picnic and there we stayed watching the natives till sunset. All in all it was a magical day.
Last night the fun continued at the most ridiculously indie locations in Jlem (lets see if you are cool enough to know them)
- Sira
- Heder V'Hetzi
- Uganda (which had an amazing band playing as well a new Turkish beer)
For shabz I'm off to Netanya to catch up with a ex-Melbourne Sherut girl, am pretty excited to be by the coast.
The coming week I'm giving a shiur on Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu on Sunday, I'm not sure what to do then on Monday and Tuesday but on Wednesday I start university. Pishing myself with excitement would be an understatement.
With that am off to Netanya, I'll send your regards to the sunshine and sand and sherut girls,
Shabbat Shalom, Miss.B
tell me more about this pomegranate quinoa...
it seems to be just quinoa, pomegranates, red onion and pine nuts without a dressing but i suggest googling it
New 2 out of 3 indie locations! Where's Hadar V'chetzi?
Also, quinoa is the rice of the hipsters altough it is more protein than grain. Glad to see your vegetarianism is going strong!
heder v'hetzi is kinda down an alley behind the gross shnat bars, v secret.
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