I do not like children. Yes, I'm aware that I have ovaries and that I like to cook and crochet and wear skirts, all of which would imply that I like children. But I do not like children.
Here's why.
Children are evil.
Now don't get all huffy about this. I also think that adults are evil because humanity is pretty shit. Human beings consistently murder, rape, steal, beat, mutilate, humilate or simply don't care. Because people suck.
By this I mean people are just pretty selfish so if it's in their interests then they'll do shit things. But otherwise, as we can see around us, we tend to behave kinda ok.
This is because most adults have learnt to hide their selfish evil tendecies. We know that we won't have any friends if we don't share, that if we are constantly backstabbing that we won't get that promotion at work and if we rape, pillage and murder we'll probably go to prison (at least in
the western world).
Children on the other hand have not yet learnt to hide their selfish tendencies. Indeed they have basically no empathy for other human beings. All they care about are their own needs with no regard for the feelings of others. Many times they don't even realise that other people have feelings.
Please see http://www.theonion.com/articles/new-study-reveals-most-children-unrepentant-sociop,2870/ for more details about how evil children are.
This understanding about humanity led me for many years to be ambivalent about procreation. The world sux b/c people suck so why would I want to contribute to that by making more people, or on the odd chance that my offspring aren't evil why would I want them to have to deal with all of this?
But then again, I'm an Orthodox Jewess and dem Jews love dem babies.
Luckiliy I recently had a change of heart (sort of).
See not everybody behaves badly all the time. In fact people sometimes to really good things. But first they need to be taught whats good and bad. Now I don't want to be a teacher. But even if I did I don't think our school staff really give over moral lessons in any real way. It's mainly learnt at home.
So if I want there to be good people in the world then I have to make them myself (and a little help from Mr.Donor and Medicare...jj...or am I?)
On an additional level all the good work that I'll hopefully do as a family lawyer (divorce - yay!) will probably not have the same lasting impact on the world as creating awesome people will. This is because (if everything goes to plan) awesome people make more awesome people and then after a few generations we have an army and can take over the world! Conquor! Name me your Queen! All hail Queen Bogan! Tremble before me!
But this is a message to you all: have babies (in moderation) and raise them right, it'll be much better for tikkun olam than all the recycling and vegan cheese in the world.
Mamonides says that children are not responsible but can be killed to enact retribution for their parents' sins. (See Mishnah Torah Hilchot Tesuvah 6:1)
Oh Rambam, so Medieval, so Middle Ages, so Middle Eastern...
I'm sure you'd wanna have HIS babies, call medicare, maybe he has an account at the bank :D
p.s If you are going to inseminate think about it coz in australia its still illegal to abort..
actually it may be illegal in NSW to abort but in vic its definitely not illegal anymore.
and you are spot on re:the ridiculous attractiveness of rambam - turbans r so hot
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