I get the feeling in my life that I need a badge declaring for the world that I'm an orthodox Jewess. I need one because despite the skirts and the sleeves and the necklines people still don't get that I'm religious.
Or even when they ask me and I answer "yes" they reply with "yeah, but you're not really."
By that I assume they mean that I think and talk and dress and think. And THINK. Also that I'm interested in film, music, poetry, fashion and philosophy and apparently religious people just aren't into that stuff.
So why does this bother me so much?
Because I actually understand why people think I'm not religious - sometimes I forget that I'm religious myself.
Additionally, I actually prefer the company of the secular. In particular, secular boys.
This is because they don't look at you with the starving eyes of a man who hasn't touched female flesh since he was 15 when his rabbi bribed him with pizza to make a promise that he will no longer touch girlies or himself. But at the same time religious boys never tell you that you look nice. They never reckon that you are wearing a wicked top or interesting shoes.
Secular boys on the other hand have learnt the art of the compliment.
But wait, there's more...
- Secular boys aren't always trying to evaluate your abilities as a breeder.
- Secular boys aren't scared of the fact that you study law.
- Secular boys aren't afraid that you wear colour.
- Secular boys won't judge you for drinking beer.
- Secular boys are ok with you being left-wing.
But there's also less...
- Secular boys don't get that you can't go out on friday night
- Secular boys don't get that Rambam is a top bloke.
- Secular boys don't get that you're not doing all this because of your family but because you made an informed and active volition to live a religious life.
Shit, now I've ruled out both brands of boys.
Asserting social distinctions through generalisations? Not sure how I feel about that... I hope you find someone who fits your complex criteria of a man :P
You do know that some secular boys appreciate religious girls who've made the "informed decision". They like that you stick to your G-dly guns and do things the way you want.
...at least one of them does. And if he's one in a million, then there's gotta be 7 more like him in Israel, and 12 more like him in New York, right?
I must say that I agree with George. Dividing up so-called "boys" (p.s. don't you date "men"?) into religious and secular? I dunno if I (considering my own life/religious/secular choices) buy into that black and white distinction...
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