Sunday, October 31, 2010
Rockin' The Suburbs

Thursday, October 28, 2010
By The Way...

- Secular boys aren't always trying to evaluate your abilities as a breeder.
- Secular boys aren't scared of the fact that you study law.
- Secular boys aren't afraid that you wear colour.
- Secular boys won't judge you for drinking beer.
- Secular boys are ok with you being left-wing.
- Secular boys don't get that you can't go out on friday night
- Secular boys don't get that Rambam is a top bloke.
- Secular boys don't get that you're not doing all this because of your family but because you made an informed and active volition to live a religious life.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Age of Reason

Monday, October 18, 2010
The Rules

Sunday, October 17, 2010
How I am not a Man

I’ve recently spent at least 10 hours studying the laws of war. I will be spending at least another 40 hours studying this topic before December. This experience has taught me a very important lesson.
First: that sometimes it doesn't matter if the lecture is in English, you can still have no idea what's flying.
Second: I am not a man.
As much as I am in many ways just as component as a man and have the same natural entitlements and obligations as a man when it comes to violence we are talking about apples and oranges.
I am quite simply not violent. I will never use force to get what I want. Additionally I have never been nor am I likely to ever be in an army or a war. As such, the world of perpetrating violence is not my world and I can't understand it.
Now if we want to talk about victims of violence I get it. Without actually having experienced any significant violence against myself, I still know what it’s like to be afraid and know that I have no real means of defence.
I know that this is not the experience of all women. Obviously not. The fact that I’m 5 ft nothing and just a smidge over 50 kgs and generally adorable makes me inherently vulnerable. But additionally violence simply wouldn’t be an efficient method for me to get what I want and that’s why I use other methods to get my way. Like smiling, hair twirling or logical arguments. I don’t think ever about using violence and I can’t understand people who do use it. It simply doesn’t run through my decision making process ever. Even if other people threaten violence with me, counter violence doesn’t even play in my mind as a means of defence.
As such, there is a whole part of the world, of the man’s world, that is not part of my world. Now this realisation is significant in two ways
1) It’s something, which is at least partly biological (though also cultural) that differentiates me from the masculine, this is an uncommon reality b/c in most other ways I am the same as men, b/c ultimately we are all just people
2) I probably cannot be a human rights lawyer, at least where human rights relate to war or conflicts. B/c I just don’t get violence or war. I don’t understand it and hence would make a totally shit lawyer in this area. Goodbye potential job opportunities in the middle-east.
So does it bother me to not be a violent man? Not really. But it would be nice if even men weren’t violent in the first place.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Men of Jerusalem I have a few important announcements for you.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Monday, October 4, 2010

I do not like children. Yes, I'm aware that I have ovaries and that I like to cook and crochet and wear skirts, all of which would imply that I like children. But I do not like children.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Simchat Torah

- apple and fennel salad
- thai salad
- sushi salad (as always)
- Vietnamese rice rolls
- lasagna
- mushroom quiche
- pomegranate quinoa
- assorted roast veggies
- Sira
- Heder V'Hetzi
- Uganda (which had an amazing band playing as well a new Turkish beer)