And today you ask? Well not a lot either. Today i got up, dressed and davened, had breakfast of eggs, tea n toast then found myself with nothing to do. So i uploaded the photos from my camera to my laptop and organised them. Then i read some of the articles that i have on my laptop. Obviously they are all about jew shiz and they were great. Then i read some more from 'gullivers travels'. I finished reading my guide book to ghana, the one my mother posted over from oz. I made some plans about where to travel to in my last week. I went for a walk around the area, washed my hair (quite a feat given the bucket and no hot water situation). By this stage the kids came home from school. Rachel taught me some clapping games and i taught her some as well. I was given lunch by Gladis (joseph armah's wife) unfortunately nobody had told her that i don't eat meat or fish so she'd made me a fish stew. I felt so bad for not eating it that i ate double the number of plain boiled yams than i would have liked to just so she wouldn't feel like it was because i didn't like her food. After that the kids n i went to the local bar to watch ghana play botswana in the africa nations cup. Ghana won, obviously, but i was secretly rooting for botswana, the underdogs. I think they went down valiantly and only lost 1:0. After the game there was dinner of rice and beans, i watched a little of willy wanka and the chocolate factory with rachel and then we finished the end of a ghanaian movie called 'the good old days' with her brothers.
As for tomorrow? Well, i hope that Alex rocks up. It'd be great to actually be useful and productive while i'm here. Gosh ghana, you're pretty frustrating some times. And my sometimes, i mean most of the time.
Having said that today, even though i was frustrated, i was happy. Sefwi wiaswo is in the mountainous region of ghana and it's not densely populated so all around there are beautiful hills and valleys and jungle and breathtaking views. So if i had to be useless anywhere i suppose it's not to bad to have something nice to look at while i'm bored.
And that's all folks. g'nite.
p.s. As yet not sick from the salad but i asked martha to only give me cooked vegetables from now on. i'll save my salads for tmol shilshom and cafe cafe.
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