It happened just last night.
It began with a knock on our door. My house-mate answered and opened the door to find a haredi man with a long beard and payos, dressed in black and white. He asked for some tzaddakah, charity. So my house-mate gave him a few coins from her purse.
He then offered her a bracha, blessing, in thanks for the charity.
She normally says no thanks but this time she said; sure, why not.
He asked for half a glass of water for the ritual.
So she went and got him half a glass of water.
He said that we was going to have to put the water on her hands, face and stomach for the bracha to work.
So he starts waving his hand over the glass mumbling to himself in Hebrew. He asks for her name. Then her mothers name. Then her fathers name. He continues mumbling in Hebrew over the glass.
Then he dips his fingers in the glass and gestures for her hands. He rubs the water with his fingers over her palms. He then dips his fingers in the glass again and rubs the water over her cheeks. He then dips his fingers in the glass one more time and then places his hand UNDER HER SHIRT and rubs the water around her belly button.
OK. Obviously at this point she should have told him to leave.
But sometimes when strange and wrong things happen to you, you just freeze and don't know what to do. Your mind just shuts down.
So no judging the victim y'all.
He then steps into the house and sits down.
He covers his eyes with one hand and says that in order for the next step of the bracha to work she has to LIFT UP HER TOP. In her half stunned and shocked state she makes a weak attempt at lifting up her top but not really exposing anything, while he keeps one hand over his eyes and another hand gesturing over the water while mumbling to himself in Hebrew.
He then stands up and says for the next stage of the bracha their tummies have to touch.
With this she decides that she's had enough and asks him to leave.
But he won't, without a hug. So she lets him hug her. But he tells her that she has to hug him back.
So she does.
Then he leaves with the money that she gave him in the beginning. In essence she just paid him to molest her.
With this story I wish you all a meaningful International Women's Day.
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