We had wonderful fried dumplings (kubeh) with mushrooms and chickpeas and curry. Mmmm deep fried goodness. We also had a couple of classes of wine (with complimentary glasses - this is important b/c a) who doesn't like compliments and b) my other housemate keeps breaking our wine glasses). Deliciously, we also had a plate of various cheeses. I've come to realise that there's not really a cheese that I don't like but I do particularly like the creamy variety and the crumbly variety, but not the dry type so much. Also the stronger the flavor the better. Yummmy moldy stinky cheesy goodness.
We then wandered around the old city (where I once lived) and listened to the music. We went to a lookout/balcony over the kotel and there we discovered a true life frummy couple from Lakewood. JOY. They had picked up a crazy from the old city and he was photographing them in various poses with the kotel in the background. He had no gripes with yelling at them to swap sides, to lean in, lean out etc. At some point he even said "can you cry?" - very strange indeed. Part of the awkwardness of the photos was that the very frum couple were obviously in niddah and couldn't touch. so the husband wouldn't sit on the same bench as his wife. Hilarious. The crazy man also yelled at me and my housemate to clink glasses so he could take a photo of us as well for the couple to remember us with.
Obviously then they started playing Jewish geography and it turns out that the husband is probably related to my housemate. So he got her to give her all her family details and contact details so he could add to the family tree.
For my own entertainment I then asked him if he could find her a shidduch. I told him that she wants a very frum boy please. He then proceeded to ask her what yeshiva he should come from and if she's going to cover he hair. Classic.
Two final notes - first - as a kashrut keeper, living in Israel has a lot of benefits from a culinary perspective and second that I'll keep y'all posted on my housemates hilarious shidduch offers/dates.
TTFN (google it)
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