Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday the 2nd

Thursday was delightful.

I taught Alex some modern hebrew at the beginning of morning seder and then we moved on to pirkei avot

At around lunchtime i went and got brach n i some yam chips n milk for a snack since Alex was bringing us lunch and given ghanaian time that meant it wouldn't arrive till3pm.

Then brach n i chilled, read a bit, watched a ghanaian tv show until it was too trashy and stupid for us to continue with.

True to form Alex brought us beans and plantain at 3.30pm. But then as we were eating the beans we noticed fish bones in it. There were pieces of fish per say but definitely bones. Now, i haven’t seen any treif fish in ghana. All the fish i've seen had fins and scales and when i asked why type of fish they eat here i was told a lot of herring, sardines and salmon, all kosher varieties of fish. But i was still upset by the fish bones in my beans b/c i didn't know what type of fish it was, so theoretically it could have been treif. But furthermore because Alex knows i don't eat fish and i was annoyed at being fed fish anyways. Though to be fair Alex probably didn't know the beans were cooked with fish since at all other places i've seen the beans are cooked sans fish. Also in ghana, unless it actually has pieces of fish or meat in the food they don't consider it a dish with fish or meat. So a soup or stew that was cooked with meat but doesn't actually have meat in it they will tell you is vegetarian. So you have to learn to ask all the right questions, very clearly and multiple times before you decide whether or not the dish is actually animal free.

Anyways after that we went to go and teach the kids again. It was a great class. We did revision on everything we'd learnt so far plus taught them about the laws of shabbat and a few songs about shabbat. The kids love songs and particularly ones with dances or actions as well. It was also great teaching the laws of shabbat because all the av melachot actually apply here. So like, when there's a law against ploughing they understand what that means and don't go and plough their farms. Also when it says don't light a fire for us it's not so relevant but literally shabbat is the only day of the week that they don't have a fire.

After our class we went home and had dinner - boiled yam and eggs and kontomre stew (yay for green vegetables). Bucket showered and to bed before 10pm.

As for today - Friday, well, Alex is sick and has gone to hospital. I think he hurt his back and is getting some painkillers. In ghana the hospital is basically their doctors office since they don't have general medical clinics. So brach n i are going to shteig instead and go to town to use the interwebz.

One more annoying thing. I left some of my cash in accra in my suitcase. So after paying for accommodation here i would only have 100 cedies ($80) left for a week of travel. And travel is expensive. Luckily brach has muchos cash and is willing to share, but i feel very stupid for making such a silly mistake.

Apart from all that we also have to prep for shabz. Woot.


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