Hello all,
I understand that you may be feeling more than a bit resentful/abandoned by my disappearance. My apologies but life got kinda hectic. I had to pack up my life, finish exams and get on a plane to Australia all in one day. Since then I've returned to Oz and found myself without the interwebz and with a million logistical things to deal with.
My days have largely inolved the following activities:
- booking and attending appointments for the doctor, optometrist
- Bank shit
- Phone shit
- University (both of them)
- Attempting to acquire employment
And while I do these banal activities I've also been in the process of remembering who I was when I used to live here. For example - where did I go to shule? Who did I learn with? Who do I hang out with? Where were the good places for coffee/drinks? Do I eat out? What will I eat out? What's kosher? What do I wear? and WHY IS IT FREEZING???
But basically I'm back. Here I am. And here I will be for the next 1.5 years minimum. So I guess that I'd better get used to it.
As to this old blog here - what shall become of it?
Well I have a couple more issues/items to discuss with you all, so I'll get those written and online. Once those are done, who knows? I'm not sure if my life in galus is significant enough to document.
But for now let's just take it a blog at a time.
Remember: "do you eat out?" = "will you intermarry?"!
better than it referring to my sexual orientation!
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