Get excited b/c for once I have a post that is not a rant!
So I recently signed up for classes for this coming semester at hebrew u. They are following:
1) Jewish Law
2) Family Law
3) International Humanitarian Law
4) Feminism and Halacha
5) Talmud
6) The Israeli Legal system
Studying law in Israel (in Hebrew!!!) is a very exciting thing for me. Indeed studying Halacha and family law is the beginning of something pretty big for me.
I was about 10 when I decided I wanted to be a lawyer. Though my exact words at the time were "I wanna be a bannister." Gosh kids say the darnedest things. Anyways, my parents found it scary too. They kept trying to remind me that I could be a hairdresser or astronaut if I wanted to. My brother was so much less creepy. He just wanted to be the shule lolly man. At about age 12 I decided I wanted to be a family lawyer and at age 14 (though almost 15) I decided that I wanted to make Aliya.
Since then I've had to finish high school, get accepted to law school and become eligible to study here all in the furtherance of these things that I decided I wanted during my childhood.
So how do I feel about what I'm about to do in October? Freaking ecstatic!
This is because I'd some day like to wear a cape to a courtroom and rescue people from terrible marriages and children from manipulative parental power plays all in one swoop while leaping over tall buildings. I'd also like to stick it to the man (this time mainly referring to the rabbanut).
So wish me luck!
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