Dearest Blog Addicts, I lied to you all.
When I declared that I was going to Pisgat Zeev I lied. I was actually going to Givat Zeev. There's not a huge difference between them though. So I hope that you will forgive me.
Sincerely, Miss. Bogan.
As a reward for your forgiveness I'll fill you in on my chag. I was at a South African family. The awesome thing about the family is that the grandparents at the age of 80 have just 1 month ago made aliya from Cape Town to a retirement village near Netanya. So it's never too late aye?
On Wednesday night I went with the SAF friend to chill with her mates (who are all boys as it turns out). At the get-together there were a few interesting characters. Let me introduce them to you.
1) Very Skinny Probably Gay Drama/Dance Student
2) Ridiculously Good-Looking Architecture Student Rabbi's Son (remember to breathe ladies)
3) Sephardi Twins.
One of these Sephardi twins is in the army unit where they dress up like arabs and go into Jenin and stuff to gather information. Pretty awesome I reckon. But the best part of the twins is that they r super frum and naive. Which means they asked silly questions about Australia and hence got silly answers. For at least 14 hours they thought that we have kangaroos at home and at school to carry our stuff and that you can't walk along the beach b/c of jumping sharks which will jump out of the water and bite you.
But then the next day I explained to them that it wasn't true.
They were devastated.
For Shabbat I was with the Scandinavian family again in the settlement in the Shomron.
My northern European descended friend and I made pecan pie which was more pecan cake than pie but still reasonably awesome. We returned to the famed local ruins and the swinging bench that swings off a mountain, but joined by a SAF friend of mine and two Israeli friends of his. There we chilled and discussed suicide, apartheid and German philosophy.
My plans for this week are not much, Tel Aviv today, a hike tomorrow, then a music festival by the dead sea and then Simchat Torah.
Moadim, L'simcha y'all.
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