Here's the story.
American friend: So I have this guy for you who's really smart and funny and good-looking and religious and lives in Israel. Can I give him your numba?
Me: 4 shiz.
And so Mr.Minty (as he shall be known to you folks) called and organised a date.
He doesn't live in J'lem so I agreed to pick the location for the date. (In case u were wondering I picked Tmol Shilshom)
I was not looking forward to this date at all. I've been on enough set-ups, particularly with Americans, to know that I always get thrown the freaks. The boys who only read puritan 17th century political theory, the boys who won't eat anything that's not white, the boys who will calmly tell you that Arabs are technically not human and the boys that complain about their mum on the first date.
So I went into the date with a begrudging heart.
But I came out with a happy one.
It was a really good date. He genuinely was smart and funny and good looking and religious. And all in the the right ways. By that I mean he was quirky good-looking (ie: a beard) and smart in a people and philosophy way not a nanotechnology way and funny in a sarcasm and irony way and religious in a 'I-practice-orthodoxy-but-I-think-Heresy' kinda way, ie: the best ways.
With him, I sat down with a total stranger and sat in a cafe and discussed religion and politics and philosophy for over 4 hours without looking at my watch or discussing any usual first date topics.
Now this was 3 days before Rosh Hashana.
So on the first day after the date I checked my phone about once an hour for the call.
On the second day after the date I checked my phone around meal times for the call.
On the third day after the date (erev chag) I sent him a txt wishing him a shana tova.
He replied with similar wishes. So we know that his phone works.
After the 3 day chag (by which time I was already irritated that he wouldn't have called me on the hour every hour prior to chag to sing my praises) I received a text from Mr.Minty asking me to the Israel Museum on chol hamoed sukkot. Which was a while away, but since he doesn't live in J'lem and we both had exams until then I graciously agreed.
But then I hear nothing from him until a txt this saturday night. That's right, 2 weeks of silence. Grr. The txt asked me if I was cool to go to the museum the nxt day. Now I may or may not have had plans (I did indeed) but that is beside the fact. You cannot ask me out on a date for the next day via txt after 2 weeks of silence.
So I told him I was busy (which was true) and ended the txt with "another time?"
To which he replied "well, on the one hand it's hard to commit to something as amorphous as another time but on the other hand it's easy to commit to something as amorphous as another time"
I did not reply to that.
Instead I did the mature thing and called him.
In this phone conversation I presented him with my understanding of the situation which was the following. The he was a nice guy and I'm a nice girl. However, he was texting me b/c he liked me enough to maybe see me if he was already in j'lem and had a lot of spare time, but not enough to call me to talk or to call me to organize a proper date, or even dates at all. Lord knows why he didn't like me enough for that but cest la vie. He also wasn't too keen on calling me to clarify that he didn't really want to go on another proper date with him. He agreed with my conclusion and seemed surprised that 1) I even realised that was what was going on and 2) that I had the guts to tell him that I knew what was going on.
In the end we agreed that nobody was going to be upset if we didn't go on another date. That maybe sometime down the line we may be friends and that communication is a super good idea.
All's well that end well. And hence my bragging. B/c I am the awesome chick who didn't let herself get strung along with texts and half-dates bi-monthly and who was competent enough to call him to let him know that she is too awesome to be strung along.
The lesson from this is the following: If somebody wants you they will call you, they will send carrier pigeons and small slave children with tattoos of love for you across their limbs, they will do anything to get in touch with you.
But if they r stringing you along they'll send you a text.
Moadim L'Simcha!