1) When I was in sem there was a lovely girl who was frequently homeless b/c her apartment was stalked by an evil white cat. This poor girl was helpless and could not defend herself against the feline menace. Hence she would not unoccasionally sleep on people's couches to avoid being scratched to death by an old city mini-lion.
2) Just the other week I was returning home on a lovely shabbat afternoon to find two cats hissing and growling at each other right in front of the door to my house. In order to enter my house I had to get to the front window, slide it open then unlock the door and run inside. All these seem possible but for the two cats, one of whom was dripping blood from its mouth. I asked them very politely to move their disagreement to a more convenient location. They did not heed my request. So I called to a young man-friend of mine who was inside the house. He promptly came downstairs, opened the doors, used a broom and very loud hissing to scare away the cats as I fled to the safety of my kitchen.
3) Tonight as I was walking to the shuk for some delicious kubeh, stuffed vine leaves and cherry beer I was walking between two parked cars when I noticed a cat lying on the ground below me. My initial reaction was the assume the cat ad been sleep and that I had just woken it up. With my leg already raised above it and the presence of a tightish skirt, my primary concern was that the cat would leap up and attack my inner thighs (if ya know what I mean) even potentially get caught within the confines of the skirt leading to later pain, humiliation and possibly infection. But then I came to realise that the cat was in fact dead. This comforted me a bit however I was so shocked and concerned that I almost tripped and landed face first in cat corpse. But fear not oh loyal blog-followers. I recollected myself and escaped for the situation unscathed.
And so with Pesach fast approaching I think we should remember how much cats were adored by the Egyptians. Therefore as a sign of our freedom we should limit their existence in the holy land of Zion.
No but seriously local council - SAVE ME!
With that, I warn you all that my parents are arriving for the festival of unleavened bread and so my posting may bit even more sporadic.
As such I will take this opportunity now to wish you all a pleasant celebration of freedom and redemption (from cats).
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