Miss me?
So my parents arrived the Thursday before Pesach. I met them at 7am at Ben Gurion airport. Yes, 7am. It hurt. A lot.
We then picked up the hire car (which at no point was I permitted to drive) and went to the namal of Tel Aviv for a quiet port side breakfast. After that we popped into Yafo for the flea market, we then drove through Florentine and did some more window shopping in Neve Tzedek.
Following these escapades we drove north to Kibbutz Shefayim where we were staying that night. We went out for dinner with a friend of my parents in Herzliya. My parents went dancing that night and I reveled in the joys of Israeli TV. I can say, that having lived 9 months in Israel without a TV that I really haven't been missing out.
Friday included a brief shop in the Herzliya mall before driving further north to Zichron Yaakov. Conveniently, since it was Friday afternoon we did not see the first aliya museum, or the aaronson museum or visit any wineries. Which meant there was nothing to do in Zichron. The place however was otherwise adorable. The buildings are old, the restaurants have very nice food and the shops are all artsy and craftsy. We spent shabbat in a very small hotel there and on motzash my parents went dancing again and I returned to my beloved TV (this time to bask in the glories of Gilmore Girls).
Sunday we drove down the number 6 tollway (= best road in the middle east), I once again was not permitted to drive to Jerusalem. I then sent my parents to the Israel museum so I could spend over 4 hours cleaning the kitchen for Pesach. Fun times.
That night I took my parents to the best Italian restaurant in Israel - Topolino. We got stuffed artichoke hearts, stuffed sardines, Lasagna, beetroot gnocchi and chestnut gnocchi. H.E.A.V.E.N.
Seder was hilarious. It was my parents, myself and two of my Australian friends PLUS my dearest darling German Lutheran Pastor. He asked really good questions and even answered some of ours. But it was a bit awkies when we were asking the lord almighty to pour out his wrath to the nations of the world (ie: our enemies).
Post-chag we went back to Yafo to eat at Dr.Shakshuka and to window shop at HaTachana - the gentrified old train station between Yafo and Neve Tzedek. Highly recommended.
The next day was at the dead sea.
Back again to Tel Aviv for the Nachalat Binyamin street craft markets.
Shabbat and more Chol HaMoed in Jlem. Last day of Pesach I took my folks to the old city (which used to be my old stomping ground). In addition to the usual places, I showed my parents around the Holy Sepulchre just in time for Easter. It's a really beautiful church, more than a bit unfortunate that I don't really understand all the artwork n the like within it.
The next day my parents were leaving so we did some last minute shopping, I took them out for kubeh and french ice cream (mmmm basil ice cream) then off to the airport for their week in an airplane to arrive in Australia.
Things that I learnt while my parents were in Zion include the following;
- Jerusalem is nuts, everybody here is slightly mad/disturbed.
- There is such a thing as caramel spread, it's like chocolate spread but better
- One day I will have a degree and a job and will no longer be poor (but until then - thanks parents!)
- Cars are amazing, seriously superior to all other forms of transport. Other than unicorn. OBVZ.
Thus ends a summary of my parents visitation to Jewland.
Stay turned for a post on the following topics; my tiyul in Ein Karem (warning: contains nudity), my trip to a friend's tekes kumta, my sailing and sabbatical adventures.
Apart from that on Sunday I return to university. Sob.